Did Ted Cruz Really Win Every County in Maine?
The Boston Globe and 2 local papers didn't give him a chance. He didn't win a single county in Massachussetts 4 days earlier. Did Cruz really win EVERY county in Maine?
By Cruz Camp's Own Admission, Heidi Should Be Thoroughly Vetted
The head of the Ted Cruz campaign has said Heidi is Ted's closest adviser. The FEC violations involve her current employer. No personal attacks, just a necessary professional evaluation of Heidi Cruz's role in the Cruz Crew.
How Ted Cruz Can Stop Immigration Abuse NOW!
As a self-described "constitutional expert" Canadian born Cruz could do us all a great service to stop illegal immigration by simply answer 4 teeny weeny questions...
The Complete Concordance of Cruz Corruption, Deceptions and Lies
Reagan was attacked by the Establishment, but people LIKED him. Cruz on the other hand is despised by mild mannered Huckabee and "sealed lips" George W. There is a reason. Here is an (almost) complete compendium of Cruz lies.
Why Isn't Anyone Discussing the SCOTUS Ruling on Natural Born Citizen?
There is a lie being told that "Natural Born Citizen" is not defined anywhere in the Constitution. That's True. What's Not True is that it is NOT settled by the Supreme Court. (It has)
Why I'm Happy To (Now) Be A Texan
In honor of @pmbasse, a descendant of one of the original 300 Texas settlers, I want to tell you WHY I LOVE TEXAS. As they say, I wasn't born here but I got here as soon as I could. And for me that was 3 times.
Ted Cruz Takes More Wall Street Money than Hillary Clinton
When you see who REALLY is running Ted's campaign, you realize how "inside" this pretend outsider is. The top CIA, Goldman Sachs executives are LITERALLY running his campaign.
The PolitiJim Twitter FF List
The most rewarding and frustrating experience on Twitter has to be the concept of Follow Friday. I have a solution. See where PolitiJim gets his news, and twinteraction from.
Friday, December 30, 2011
A PolitiJim New Year Prayer for You
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
How to Hire a President. Or a Head Coach.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The 2012 Patriot Pledge
Monday, December 26, 2011
The PolitiJim #FF List