Did Ted Cruz Really Win Every County in Maine?

The Boston Globe and 2 local papers didn't give him a chance. He didn't win a single county in Massachussetts 4 days earlier. Did Cruz really win EVERY county in Maine?

Friday, December 30, 2011

A PolitiJim New Year Prayer for You

I don’t know about you, but 2011 deserves a kick in the butt on it’s way out.  It can’t leave soon enough for me.  And despite the prospects for many trials already on the horizon for 2012 (especially in our election cycle and economy,) I have great optimism in the power of prayer and in the grace of God.  Jesus Himself encouraged us to ASK God the Father for ANYTHING in His Name: …but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Hire a President. Or a Head Coach.

We are about to pick someone to run the world’s largest economy, the most powerful military force and perhaps the most complex organizational entity on the planet.  Is it just me or are the a lot of people putting more logic into picking their cell phone provider?   Godfather’s Pizza didn’t just hire a CEO off of the street who seemed to be diligent, honest and had a love for pizza just because Herman Cain wanted the job.  They chose someone who had been successful in turning...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The 2012 Patriot Pledge

To all fellow patriots, lovers of liberty and of this great Republic, Let us to rest and ruminate on the battles of this past year and to refocus our resolve for the war ahead.  And let me assure you, 2012 will be a war.  This upcoming year will be a Blue State/Red State political bloodbath, as evidenced from history.  Evil creeps in through the seduction of small rationalizations.  It’s so easy to succumb to just a little less freedom - for a bit more comfort.  It’s...

Monday, December 26, 2011

The PolitiJim #FF List

The most rewarding and frustrating experience on Twitter has to be the concept of “Follow Friday.”  It’s conflicting for me.  When I get a “#FF” with 20 others crammed into a single tweet I get a feeling akin to heartburn from a Taco Bell Chalupa. But I’ll admit I get a warm, non-alcoholic buzz when I get a tweet like this: Twitter Buds Best Bloggers Big Whigs Great TimeLines Funny ...

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