I’m going to take you on a little journey that – even I’m not sure I believe. But it is newsworthy, in my opinion. One of my key True The Vote heroes was asked to be on the blogtalkradio station Red Right & Blue this past Saturday. And a Hollywood Producer was also on who claimed:
- She heard out of Bill Clinton’s own mouth that they KNEW Obama was not eligible, and,
- Bill Clinton shut up after his long time friend was murdered as he was about to go public.
- She was told by Democrat Operatives, that George Soros met with both Obama and Hillary to see if either would be willing to destroy the US economy.
What is shocking to me is that I had never heard the grassroots media source on blogtalkradio.com until last week when it was referenced by The Ulsterman Report (UR) and the “Washington and Wall Street Insider” conspiracies it has been covering for some time. (I believe one of the hosts on Freedomizer Radio which UR referenced in their article was on this show, but strange to me I had only just TRIED blogtalkradio a week before.)
If you are already familiar with the ULSTERMAN REPORT please scroll down to HILLARY CLINTON SUPERDELEGATE MURDERED.
UPDATE: Many URLS no longer work such as the Washington Insider explanation of Dem operative being killed. Please use the Wayback Machine to find this information. That link can still be found on archive here: https://web.archive.org/web/20120124155851/http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/01/20/white-house-insider-i-hung-my-head/)
For those who have not been following this, UR’s Washington Insider described how long time Democratic Operative Kam Kuwata (who set up the 2008 Denver Democratic convention and ran Hillary’s West Coast campaign) was found inexplicably murdered after he informed some other Democrats of Obama being carried into a room, weird chanting and suddenly emerging as if he was a new man only moments later. (I know – it sounds preposterous but read the COMMENTS in the above linked article and trace the evidence yourself.) Kuwata was Diane Feinstein’s aide and longtime friend. The timeline is much stranger and happens this way:
- Tony West – an attorney at the law firm defending Barack Obama’s birth certificate matters raises $65 Million for Barack Obama’s election. His sister-in-law Kamala Harris is the District Attorney for San Francisco.
- Kam Kuwata tells others (likely Sen. Feinstein) of weird Obama stuff he saw at the convention.
- Obama elected with huge illegal campaign (25% of what he raises) coming through a SINGLE California bank) much from Tony West. Rumors swirl of up to $300 Million in undeclared campaign contributions are not reported or those donors.
- Feinstein’s aide and Kuwata’s business partner BOTH indicted and sent to prison by soon to be Dem Governor Cuomo of NY.
- Kuwata works against CA Attorney General Kamala Harris to put in a CA AG who can investigate Obama campaign donations.
- A few months later highly active Kuwata found 2 weeks dead in his apartment.
- The same month Tony West is appointed as Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Division reporting to Eric Holder at the Department of (so called) Justice.
- At Kuwata’s memorial, Feinstein very strangely “scooped” the President with the news of Osama Bin Laden death by 1 hour. Feinstein and intelligence knew of OBL location since January. Some wonder if this was a warning to Obama.
- DOJ does not investigate Kuwata’s death.
- A month later, former CA Obama Committee chairwoman embezzles millions in funds from Feinstein’s campaign and others including Obama’s CA funds. This CRITICALLY impairs Feinstein’s reelection hopes.
- Feinstein charged with ethics violations.
- Kamala Harris found to be in pocket of public sector unions scuttling initiative on their behalf.
- Kamala Harris named Co-Chairwoman of the Obama Campaign.
- CA AG Kamala Harris and the NY AG replacing Gov Cuomo refuse to follow the law on failed mortgages, threatening the FDIC and creating a $25 Billion Mortgage settlement that:
- Gives 70% of the money to government programs
- Penalizes stockholders, brokers who never admitted guilt in due process
- Allows the REAL perpetrators of the mortgage crisis (both public and private) to skate without ANY prosecution.
(Very good explanation here.) - It also gives her a slush fund of over $1 Billion to preside over.
- Tony West is appointed ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL of the United States under Eric Holder.
- American Bar Association Journal reports Kamala Harris be considered as next Supreme Court Justice replacing Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
I don’t have much patience for non-professional, well sourced media whether it be ABC, Allahpundit or a All My Chitlin. (All of which have been sorely lacking in getting stories correct I might add.) Red, Right & Blue (RRB) blogtalkradio show seems to be made of completely
non-professionals. I heard claims made by different parties on the show that I KNOW to be factually untrue, so this all has to be taken with caution. [For instance, Bettina claims the only Legislation which Obama sponsored in Illinois was a “National Islam Day.” Obama sponsored 35 bills including a recognition of South Side Islamic center that seems to have died in committee. She is also wildly misinformed on Newt Gingrich’s positions including having been a major player in fighting HillaryCare, ObamaCare, TARP and Cap & Trade. She also claims Santorum voted “almost exclusively” with Pelosi and Reed which is ridiculous even WITH Santorum’s big government votes.]
The only reason PolitiJim is proceeding with this story is because it is FIRST HAND TESTIMONY by Hollywood Agent/Producer Bettina Sofia Viviano on matters she would likely have direct knowledge of, or association with Democratic officials who would. Ms. Viviano was a non-political liberal Democrat who was approached to make the documentary about the irregularities of voter fraud by Barack Obama against Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominating race. (Forty minutes of WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED can be viewed here. The entire Red, Right & Blue interview at bottom of post with time codes referencing her quotes.)
In the RRB interview, Viviano said her film documented massive systemic corruption by the Obama campaign via:
- Precinct chairpersons and workers misreporting (or holding) results
- Voter intimidation and violence
- Vote destruction and fabrication
In her documentary WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED, there are first hand accounts of voter intimidation, vote manipulation, vandalism and violence not just on behalf of Obama, but AGAINST even elderly Clinton voters. The film has direct testimony of a lady who witnessed two young thugs threatening older people coming to a community center if they voted for Hillary. This sounds oddly familiar of the New Black Panther intimidation case which we now know was not an isolated event.
In the documentary, another Hillary supporter who was a SuperDelegate describes a call from a Senator who told her since she voted for Hillary if she ran for political office they would strip all of her position with the Democrat party.
There were over 2,000 complaints (including criminal) in Texas alone. In her RRB interview, Viviano describes footage of a young African American delegate who was threatened with murder if he did not change his allegiance to Obama from Hillary. (As far as we know, Rick Santorum’s similar antics against Newt Gingrich did not involve criminal violence, although we were told he did a similar thing in Pennsylvania in 2006.)
Pelosi bribed 28 MULTIPLE super delegates to support Barack Obama with cash gifts up to $250,000. Sixteen (16) of 28 endorsed Obama although their state and district selected Hillary Clinton. Other Obama supporters like James Clyburn followed suit giving money to all but 2 of these 28.
Bettina also reported that the interviews done with women from Obama’s home church Trinity United Church of Christ and had to be conducted with anonymity due to their fear of Obama. An interview in the film (from Chicago) admits many tactics are well known to those who live in the Obama Machine areas. You never heard it on ABCBSNBC but past voting fraud by Obama was vicious. Michael Walsh at Breitbart wrote:
For a Chicago pol, whose path to prominence came not via intellectual brilliance or personal charisma but through behind-the-scenes machinations to get opponents thrown off the ballot or have their sealed divorce records made public, “by any means necessary” is not only a tactic, it’s a categorical imperative.
With this as a backdrop, Bettina Viviano mentioned two different things in her RRB interview. In three completely different places in the interview she said:
- She heard DIRECTLY out of Bill and Hillary’s mouth that they knew he was not eligible.
- She was told by the Hillary camp that Bill was going to “out Obama” but he was threatened and backed off.
- She said that Bill Clinton’s best friend was murdered as a threat.
A short compilation of various clips from the show.
(entire show at bottom)
(entire show at bottom)
Are these events connected? Hold onto your feathers, for they are about to fly when you see it in the chronology and order I do.
Hillary’s campaign became public with the fraud during the Texas primary and caucus on March 4th of 2008. Even California delegates FOR OBAMA noticed irregularities such as an incident where 900 delegate prospects were hacked to 17 party insiders. Clearly the delegate vote was close and it’s clear the Clinton camp was crusin’ for a fight at the convention, August 25-27th in Denver.
ON BARACK OBAMA’s alleged birthday of August 4th, 2008, Bill Clinton gave an interview FROM AFRICA and was asked if he was angry. BILL CLINTON BROUGHT UP OBAMA AND ELEGIBILITY:
I think everybody’s got a right to run for president if he qualifies under the Constitution, and I would be the last person to ever begrudge anybody their ambition, and he was a superbly gifted candidate in this election, and had a great operation. They thought this thing through, and it’s a contact sport…The only thing I ever got mad about was people in your kind of work pretending that she started this stuff. (PoliticsUSA)
I like seeing people whose lives are SAVED and CHANGED.
I think it proves that CHANGE is possible
After asking Clinton about the “racist” remarks he made during the campaign, ABC reporter Kate Snow asks AGAIN about eligibility (6:30 mark), which is quite odd since most professional broadcasters wouldn’t repeat the SAME topic after discussing so many others with such a short time of video available. Snow asks, “Do you think he is completely qualified to be President? Because in the campaign there were some things you said…” Clinton:
No, I never said he wasn’t qualified. The constitution sets the qualifications to be President. Then the people decide who they think would be the better President. I think we have two choices. I think he should win and I think he will win.Notice, the Slickster NEVER COMES OUT AND SAYS HE IS QUALIFIED. If the Clintons had already made some threat to Obama about getting out or offering the V.P. position to Hillary, is it possible that he is saying, “Obama you have two choices. I hope you (win) make the right one?”
Eight Days later a Target store employee studying computer science at a nearby college, inexplicably became irritable and spray painted a hallway at work being let go. Timothy Dale Johnson went to the offices of Hillary friend and Super Delegate Bill Gwalenty at the Arkansas Democratic Headquarters and asked some questions about volunteering. He poked his head into Gwalenty’s office shooting him fatally. He then walked into the Southern Baptist Convention building waved his gun and left without harming anyone. He was chased by police and shot 6 times dying instantly as he attempted to open a rifle case that seemed locked. Police closed the investigation finding no motive, no connection to Gwalenty and the police were cleared for shooting Timothy Johnson. The family is baffled.
The following Monday Bill Clinton gave an energy summit speech widely covered because he EQUALLY PRAISED Obama and McCain.
This certainly lends credence to the two camps “yelling and screaming” at each other during the convention according to her insiders. Politico mentioned the tension, though none of these specific items.
As most conservatives know Bill Clinton is no stranger to “coincidental deaths” including Vince Foster, Ron Brown, and scores more. No other President had this many people he was connected to die, especially those that had Chinese contribution secrets (Huang) or past financial scandals (McDougal). But it WOULD explain why Hillary “gave up” when it shocked most of us.
Especially if they knew Barack Obama had his own “body count.”
Buried by the mainstream media are the stories from Obama’s murdered gay lovers at Jeremiah Wright’s church within WEEKS of each other – execution style. (If you still don’t know or believe Obama is bi-sexual you might want to watch the video testimony of Larry Sinclair) Also inexplicable are the deaths of Seal Team Six who NEVER would fly an entire company in one helicopter alone.
Don’t get me started on Fast & Furious and the death of his Grandmother FROM CANCER 2 days before the general election who was, according to Barack Obama “sharp as a tack,” except for osteoporosis only 2 months earlier. (Anyone want to guess why he traveled all the way back to Hawaii in the middle of a campaign because she was “suddenly ill” but only did so FOR ONE HOUR and without Michelle and the kids?)
Maybe SOME legislators will begin to understand why we patriots are more than a little nervous with Obama and his administration being given questionable power in any form.
The WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED film was rushed into production and Bettina’s film partners printed copies to show at the Democrat National Convention in Denver at local theaters. She says only later did she realize it was Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and the Democratic Party that were the perpetrators. Just as she described on the RRB interview, I found news stories that the DNC PROHIBITED the Hillary delegates from being counted as they had in every previous election. California was completely PASSED OVER and not even called on during the convention following a SECRET VOTE that reporters would not inquire upon.
Among other Viviano bombshells:
- She claims she has obtained a memo from Donna Brazile from 2004 saying they had predetermined Barack Obama to be the candidate for 2008.
- She says Democrats are planning in 2012 (and have in the past) to drive through skid row and pay the homeless to vote with liquor and booze bribes, as well as getting Alzheimer's patients to vote.
- Alice Palmer, (the lady who through Obama’s first political fund raiser at Bill Ayers house) was disqualified with all other challengers from running for her old Senate seat by Barack Obama’s lawyers when he decided he wanted the seat. She became a Hillary supporter. (Links in 2012 Section below.)
- She claims it was widely known at the time that John McCain was not qualified as a natural born citizen either. Theory Link
- Claims her Democrat sources told her it was a “fact” that George Soros met with Hillary and Obama. Soros said his agenda was to tear this economy down to the ground. Obama said, “no problem.” Hillary said, “no way.”
PolitiJim Note: Chelsea was married on a George Soros estate with Barack and Michelle present. - At IOWA caucus she attended - Ron Paul had 99% of the votes BUT ALL PARTICIPANTS WERE DEMOCRATS.
2012 Will be WORSE
Bettina mentions that she has seen the Black Panther offices they set up in Houston to prepare for 2012. Bob Cooley, who wrote about many of these techniques in his book WHEN CORRUPTION WAS KING, has said the “$1 Billion” in campaign funds isn’t going to be used for TV ads, it will be to buy off precinct chairmen, pay volunteers to overwhelm the voting systems with fraud (like we saw in the Wisconsin recall where “Mickey Mouse” was allowed), and to pay HACKERS TO change the electronic voting machine systems.
As we wrote in “IS THIS THE OBAMA CRIME PLAN?,” it made absolutely no sense that Obama would doing NOTHING to move himself closer to the “center” (as all good unprincipled Democrats do) before an election. What possible advantage is there in killing 100,000 jobs with the Keystone Pipeline? If Obama thinks he can get away with this nationally, against the “Body Count” Clintons – you can believe that this election season will be worse than one overseen by Hugo Chavez as Secretary of State.
And it explains WHY he feels no need to do REAL things that create jobs and make him popular. He simply doesn’t think he’ll need it.
As Alan Vera of TrueTheVote said in his stirring speech at the Texas Straw Poll, we need bodies. Bodies who simply give a little time to observe voting and keep the cockroaches from operating in the dark.
CLICK ON TRUE THE VOTE to learn more.
Red, Right and Blue Radio Show (full audio below)
with Rick Bulow and Harriet Baldwin
Minute Mark | Conversation Subject |
17:00 | 1st Portion with Bettina Viviano. How she came to become involved, overview of all complaints. |
20:39 | Accuses Pelosi, Dean, Reid of committing the fraud |
21:00 | California withheld vote because they were going to stand for Hillary despite railroading |
22:00 | Claims Democrats would drive through skid row and pay them to vote with liquor and booze as well as getting Alzheimer's patients to vote. |
23:30 | Has seen the New Black Panther party HQ in Houston to plan to steal election. |
53:00 | Women from Trinity United Church who knows Obama well, witnessed intimidation similar to Philadelphia Black Panther incident. |
55:30 | Bettina’s partner may be intimidated by threats. |
56:45 | 21 year old Black Delegated Threatened With Murder |
Obama campaigns for Islamist, Terrorist Cousin in Kenya (Odinga)
The ORIGINAL BIRTHERS were Bill & Hillary Clinton. Bettina heard it DIRECTLY out of their mouths.
She has personal knowledge Hillary made a deal the night before she stepped down. Her friends said the Obama and Clinton camps were yelling and screaming at each other for 3 days in the ugliest exhibition of politics they’d ever seen.
She claims it was widely known at the time that John McCain was not qualified as a natural born citizen either. Link
From a top Democrat Party leader: George Soros had meetings with both Barack and Hillary telling them his agenda was to tear this country to the ground. Obama reportedly said “no problem.”
She was at the caucus for Rick Perry in Iowa and at one, 99% of the votes were for Ron Paul and they were all Democrats.
She “knows for a fact” they threatened to kill Bill Clinton and did kill his friend, Bill Gwaltney.
I heard it out of Bill Clinton’s mouth that Obama wasn’t legitimate.
Well, that was courageous of you politijim, been nice knowing you -
I don't doubt any of this. I have thought since the 2008 election that there was fraud going on and certainly we would never hear about all those donations.
What I didn't know was that the Obama's were at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. I do remember reading that the media said they weren't invited. That is very telling.
I have known since 2008 that Hillary probably blackmailed her way into a cabinet position. Because I have seen the detesting looks between her and Obama which were caught on camera.
I have been well aware that George Soros wants to destroy America. Maybe you should dig up where all the funds from MF Global went. Soros was involved with that and Corzine will never be dealt with.
It's a very evil regime we have in the White House. Over the weekend people on the internet were alerted to Obama's signing of an Executive Order. Some people say this is just an update of previous orders. But I don't buy it. With everything you know and what I believe, there will be a surprise to the American people like no other.
Thank you so much for all your investigate work. I really believe you are being "Breitbart."
This post was on the verge of depressing by reminding me of all the corruption that goes on behind the scenes, until Kriskxx said:
Well, that was courageous of you politijim, been nice knowing you -
lol . . . thanks, Kriskxx, for the comic relief!
You only live once on this earth, PolitiJim, and you only have to die once, then you'll live again, so do not be afraid of those who can kill the body, but can not kill the soul.
But for the murderers: . . . fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Mat 10:28 KJV
As you know, PolitiJim, the truth is that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you shall be proven to be in the wrong, so continue to be brave and courageous.
"Fear not; I am with you." says the Lord.
Barack Hussein Obama II, illegal president, was born August 4, 1961 at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya and NOT in Hawaii as he claims. This may explain why he allowed release of only a highly-questionable, computer-generated abstract of his purported birth certificate on the official White House website in April 2011. Furthermore, he authorized this release only after ignoring countless requests by concerned citizens to make the document available for nearly three years….
Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, stated the following in his press release of March 1, 2012 -- "A six month long investigation conducted by my cold case posse has lead me to believe there is probable cause to believe that President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011, is a computer-generated forgery." …
A high resolution copy of the authentic KENYAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE of Barack Obama is available for free download at http://www.WasObamaBornInKenya.com …
Lucas Daniel Smith obtained a certified copy of Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate directly from the birth hospital on February 19, 2009. His amazing story is told in a VIDEO that is also available for viewing at the same website.
I seem to recall that Diane Feinstein broke her leg just before the 2008 democratic convention as well. The combination of Feinstein's broken leg, Tubbs dying of an aneurism while driving her car, and the death of the Arkansas campaign director were all suspiciously coincidental.
I think Hillary Clinton was really going to help homeowners struggling with their home mortgages, and since wall street had set up the home securitization scam, that was unacceptable to Soros and his friends since if Hillary Clinton helps the homeowners, then wall street loses all of that free cash they got.
Credit Card gate was never looked into as well. In 2008, Pelosi killed credit card legislation designed to help consumers from unscrupulous attacks.
At the exact same time, Pelosi was also buying VISA IPO's that she apparently turned for tidy profit in a relatively short amount of time. During the 2008 campaign, Obama was accepting credit card donations that had fake names and addresses on them. Clinton and McCain did not accept those types of donations. Remember Obama outspent Hillary Clinton 3-1 and 4-1 in several midwestern state contests, and still lost all of them.
In 2009 and 2010, Obama took credit for the credit card reform act that Pelosi had killed a year earlier, (the bill had been watered down - a key provision of a consumer's right to opt out of a change in terms was killed as a favor to Obama's Chicago cohort and friend, Jamie Dimon, president of Chase Bank).
What was so amazing about the 2008 democratic presidential nomination race was that Florida and Michigan delegates did not count because they moved up their election date, but Illinois, (Obama's home state), moved up their primary date from the end of March 2008 to the beginning of February 2008, and of course, that HUGE win (and it counted) gave Obama 54 more delegates than Hillary Clinton. Combined with the loss of as many as 40 or more delegate victory margin from Michigan and Florida that Hillary Clinton would have gotten, swung the delegate lead to Obama just in time for the fraudulent democratic caucus contests.
Even downstream, North Carolina, an Obama stronghold, was given 28 bonus delegates for NOT moving up their primary date!
Move on dot org than got involved to make sure they could pad the February caucus contests in favor of Obama. If you study the precinct map of Iowa, Most of Obama's wins bordered the states of Illinois and Indiana, which lends rise to the allegation of buses crossing into Iowa to illegally vote in some of the caucus precincts.
Once the caucus contests hit in February, Move on Dot org, which was founded to protect democrats from republican attacks like the one Bill Clinton went through regarding lying about a consensual BJ, didn't hesitate to back Obama over Hillary Clinton. It's important to note how much of a sociopath Soros can be. Soros thought nothing of building up a group, Move On dot org, off the back of Bill Clinton's impeachment, then used that very same group to stop Bill Clinton's wife from becoming the democratic nominee.
Soros also helped launch Huffington Post, which daily assailed Hillary Clinton during the nomination process. Hillary Clinton did not quit out of fear for her life, Hillary Clinton realized that Obama's huge, and partially illegal campaign contributions had been used to buy out the media and with idiots like Keith Olberman and Chris "my leg tingles when Obama speaks" Matthews leading the way, MOST of the media was against Hillary Clinton.
Obama also took credit for the Lily Ledbetter act as well.
Which brings us to the real issue of 2012. Republican politicians refuse to out the media and the democratic higher ups over their absolute disrespect for the three female candidates that have run for president, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Bachman, who David Letterman regularly referred to as "Obachman".
Instead of focusing on the abuse the democratic liberal media leveled at the first three female presidential candidates, Republicans seem stuck on what comes off as anti-women positions.
The women's vote will determine who wins the presidency, and the republicans seem to not care how poorly the liberal media has treated all three female presidential candidates, and that is why Obama is smug and has not even moved towards the middle in the least.
Why should Obama move towards the middle when republicans are being so ultra right?
To be clear, Sarah Palin was a vice-presidential candidate.
Very Interesting BSteadman. Will check into it.
I had totally forgot about the VISA scandal. The amount of corruption is overwhelming.
Here is another article I just wrote for my DailyPUMA blog that encompasses a decent portion of "stuff" that the 2012 Republicans could use to get the female vote. Why Does the Republican Party refuse to highlight the damage the liberal media and Democratic Higher ups did to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign?
If only the Republican platform cared about the female vote.
Heard somewhere that the 2012 election vote counting will be done by a company in SPAIN!
Some Spanish data management concern that was awarded a contract to tally the 2012 votes, and some of the company officials were allegedly Obamsie campaign contributors.
If the Dems and the Omachine cannot steal the election with feet on the ground fraud voting, the backup is most likely "recount" of the computer tally.
We just may be screwed by out own stupidity and good nature, and then there is the worthless media.
Let's not forget about the murder of Lt. Quarles Harris Jr.
A series of 2008 security breaches at the US State Department may indicate that someone knows Barack Obama‘s true status as a natural born citizen. An investigation of the incidents revealed that all three major presidential candidates – Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain – had their passport files compromised.
Newsmax tied the security breach to the Natural Born Citizen issue back in January 2009. Sources who tracked the investigation tell Newsmax that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to “cauterize” the records of potentially embarrassing information.
“They looked at the McCain and Clinton files as well to create confusion,” one knowledgeable source told Newsmax. “But this was basically an attempt to cauterize the Obama file.”
On April 5, 2008, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Passport Services Ann Barrett resigned from her post after a credit card scheme using US passport data was uncovered by the security probe. State Department Spokesman Tom Casey told The Washington Times that 24-year-old Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. told federal authorities he obtained “passport information from a co-conspirator who works for the U.S. Department of State.”
Then, on April 17, 2008, Lt. Harris was found fatally shot dead slumped over the steering wheel of his car in front of the Judah House Praise Baptist Church in Northeast DC. The Washington Times reported that Lt. Harris was a key witness cooperating with the federal probe into the State Department security breach. Lt. Harris’ mother, Cleopatra Harris, told ABC affiliate WJLA-TV that she believed her son’s murder may have been due to his role in the federal investigation.
Thank you Dr. Ron. I vaguely remember that but totally forgot about. I suspect he is overwhelming the "system" with corruption so it's tough to focus on any single one.
Can you imagine Mitt Romney going after these guys if/when he's kicked out?
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