Tuesday, March 20, 2012

More Santorum Supporter Tea Party LIES


I was alerted to a write up by a Santorum supporting Texas Tea Partier that exemplifies ALL THE WORST stereotypes the left has of us.  In this article they accuse PoltiJim of:

  • Acting like a Progressive
  • Tweeting “disgusting” tweets
  • Being a “Newt Campaign surrogate”
  • Calling conservative women SLUTTS
  • Attacking a good Texas Tea Party person for no reason


I’m breathless at the unresearched ignorance of THIS Tea Party person.  It fits the screed of Santorum supporters which is , “if you don’t like Rick you must be a LIBERAL!”

I address the issue of the Tea Party and some commenter named “RickisrightforAmerica” in my COMMENT to their site as I posted below.  But for a quick insight for those remaining conservatives who are not mindless robots who follow whoever their favorite blogger supports, some of these need to be addressed.

  1. They mention my article to Ramparts360 as an “attack” WHOM I PRAISED BOTH IN THE BLOG AND ON TWEETS AS BEING “dead on” on OTHER CONSERVATIVE MATTERS.  In fact, what I addressed was a continuing pattern of Sanitariums to repeat debunked lies that their candidate continues to spew WITHOUT CHECKING FACTS.  I also ask people to SUBSCRIBE TO RAMPARTS360, something I’m sure you are too narrow minded to do to those other conservatives you happen to disagree with.  (If I’m a Progressive I’m a very bad one at recruiting people to listen to conservative points of view.)

    Excuse me, Voices Empower – whoever you are – if I don’t allow YOU TO DETERMINE WHO IS A TEA PARTIER.  Excuse me also for not wanting to support a fake candidate who ENDORSED AND CAMPAIGNED FOR PRO-Partial Birth Abortion CANDIDATES!
  2. NOTICE that neither Ramparts360 or this group ever ADDRESS THE CONTENT OF THESE CHARGES AGAINST SANTORUM.  (Isn’t THAT out of the Progressive handbook?  ATTACK THE ATTACKER?)  If EITHER OF YOU are genuine conservatives I CHALLENGE YOU TO A LIVE DEBATE ON RICK SANTORUM VERSUS NEWT GINGRICH ON RED, RIGHT and BLUE or some other FORUM IMMEDIATELY.  (But don’t worry Santorum supporters – like your candidate neither Ramparts 360 or Voices America will have the courage to actually debate facts because they don’t have them.)
  3. A false accusation is that I am affiliated with the Gingrich campaign.  Funny, the writer somehow ignores the 5 PRO-SANTORUM ARTICLES ON PoiltiJim including this one.  (Are all Santorum supporters this unintelligent or poor in their reporting?  If so – it might explain why they still support Rick.)
  4. The real people acting like Progressive are Santorum supporters who make excuses for EVERY DOCUMENTED EXAMPLE of his lies and hypocrisy without arguing INTELLECTUAL FACTS.  (Perhaps they need an example of how those of us with BRAINS do it for our candidate.  Gingrich is attacked for being “for global warming” which I acknowledge, and then DOCUMENT why this is a half-truth the likes of what the Obama campaign would use.)
    Where is their point by point documentation of their charges (including those libeled against PolitiJim?  Yes, if there is NOT a retraction I will consider pursuing legal action.)
  5. The kneejerk and supposed defender of the Texas Tea Party, not only gets the title of the Rick Santorum series incorrect (it’s SLUTSS not SLUTTS), like her candidate – she pretends it means something I CLEARLY DISAVOW IN MULTIPLE PLACES.  (And we are supposed to believe them when they say their candidate is right when they can’t even report BASIC information correctly?)  SLUTSS stands for Santorum Lovers Unwilling To Soberly Syllogize.

Of which this writer is a PRIME example.

Here is my response to their article as posted on their site.  Their site says the comment is “currently awaiting moderation.”  It will be interesting to see if THEY even allow opposing viewpoints to be printed.  If not, I hope I win enough in the lawsuit to donate more money to Newt Gingrich.

AND BY THE WAY.  YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE ANDREW BREITBART’S NAME.  BREITBART was for TRUTH.  It is why he came out against the likes of Glenn Beck (who also was a Santorum supporter by the way.) Until you start EXHIBITING IT, I suggest you quit acting like Glenn Beck and FALSELY ATTACKING other conservatives who disagree with you.

Hi y'all!!  PolitiJim here.

Well, congratulations for making Tea Parties look every bit the MSM image of uneducated hicks who are blinded by their cultish faith of religious leaders.


Get your damn facts straight and quit embarrassing our movement and yourselves.

I'll start with "RickisrightforAmerica"s comment first, and attempt to bring some sanity to your little world of disinformation.  Unlike you all - I will provide FACTUAL documentation and let the readers decide for themselves who is arguing from fact versus blind faith.

As posted in a PolitiJim tomorrow - Rick Santorum ALSO endorsed mandates.  (I'll give you one link - the rest you will have to find in tomorrow's article on PolitiJim) (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/01/09/401038/santorum-supported-individual-health-insurance-mandate-in-1994-republican-primary/?mobile=nc)

And Santorum STILL does, when it helps prolife causes.

Gingrich on the other hand was for it WHEN THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION CAME UP WITH IT AS A WAY TO STOP HILLARYCARE.  Unlike Rick, Newt has NEVER argued for an expansion of government simply to control and mandate lives (again documented tomorrow in 5 videos on PolitiJim.)

If one merely follows the documentation on the RICK series listed above, you can see for yourself that RICK SANTORUM may not have sat on a couch - but he BLATANTLY embraced Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton and Joe Liebermann ALL ON LIBERAL GOVERNMENT EXPANSION PROGRAMS IN HIS OWN ADS. 

Not only is it an outright LIE to say that Santorum "has never been for these issues" (or is the only conservative in the race - it is worse.  Santorum BAILED OUT the steel industry (www.justin.fm/2012/02/senator-santorum-flat-out-lies-about.html)

If that's not all HE FORCED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TO DISPENSE contraceptives - http://thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/10930-santorums-contradictions-a-record-of-forcing-catholics-to-pay-for-contraception

He "never" was for these things?

You can PRETEND all you want that Rick is conservative - but the people who make up the TEA PARTY in Pennsylvania DIDNT THINK SO.  THEY VOTED FOR THE DEMOCRAT in 2006.  How else do you think he lost by such a huge margin? (PROOF: www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_317352.html)  You will notice that Rick's voting record has been LEFT OF CENTER in years after he was immediately elected - and uber-conservative the year before he had to start running again.

Want another? Here is a conservative PA blogger from 2006 that would not vote for Rick (http://www.libertyreborn.com/2006/10/27/if-santorum-is-%E2%80%9Cconservative%E2%80%9D-we%E2%80%99re-in-troubleif-santorum-is-%E2%80%9Cconservative%E2%80%9D-we%E2%80%99re-in-trouble/)

Global Warming WAS SCIENTIFICALLY BACKED up until the IPCC scandal.  When the data proved it - Gingrich changed and was the KEYNOTE REBUTTAL WITNESS TO CAP AND TRADE!!!  If he was "for" global warming then why did conservative Republicans select HIM to battle Al Gore?  It is because the DATA changed his mind.

Just like Rick Santorum  who changed his mind on abortion.  Except Santorum claims he was never pro-abortion.  EVEN THIS YEAR HE DENIES TESTIMONY BY HIS OWN FAMILY http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/28/santorums-past-paints-picture-of-pro-choice-moderate/

Should we hold against him his fornication with Karen before they were married?   OF COURSE NOT.


There is a difference.  Gingrich comes clean about his mistakes and changes.  Santorum lies about it.

Why did the TeaParty not support Rick Santorum (and still doesn't in numbers of Romney)?  Lots of reasons including the fact that while Gingrich PAID TO ADVERTISE FOR PEOPLE TO JOIN THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT (he appeared with Hannity at the FIRST Tea Party on 4/15/2009) Rick Santorum WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.

Rick "says" he was against TARP, but in the ONLY INTERVIEW he gave during that period (2 weeks after TARP passed)  HE WOULDNT EVEN ADDRESS IT AND INSTEAD WANTED TO TALK ABOUT MOVIES.  Gingrich?  Gave multiple national interviews, wrote 2 op-ed pieces AGAINST TARP and spoke FORCEFULLY against it in speeches including AT THE NATIONAL PRESS CLUB.  (http://www.politijim.com/2012/02/valentines-day-truth-massacre-on-tarp.html)

The same is true with ObamaCare and Cap and Trade.  While Gingrich was DOING EVERYTHING HE COULD FOR TEA PARTY ISSUES - RICK SANTORUM WAS SILENT.

Well - not quite true.  His ONLY SPEECH at the beginning of the Tea Party SLAMMED THE Libertarians in the TEA PARTY while he admitted that he supported RINO Mitch McConnell's candidate over Rand Paul!!

Gee, I wonder why the Tea Party doesn't support Rick.


I can't really comment, all I can do is shake my head. What exactly was the point of attacking Politijim?

Politijim, all I have to say is get used to it. Santorum is getting a free pass in the Conservative media, I am appalled how Limbaugh, Beck, Malkin would outright bash Gingrich but then have an audacity to claim Santorum is the only conservative in the race. I am offended and feel ultimately betrayed by the Tea Party that had allowed this primary fight come to a choice between A Rino or a Bush Republican.

I am just dumb founded with what's going on. The tea party should be behind Newt and working hard for him as he has done for them.

Thanks so much for all your articles. I'm addicted to his site.

Quoting #5 above "(it’s SLUTSS not SLUTTS), like her candidate – she pretends it means something I CLEARLY DISAVOW IN MULTIPLE PLACES. (And we are supposed to believe them when they say their candidate is right when they can’t even report BASIC information correctly?) SLUTSS stands for Santorum Lovers Unwilling To Soberly Syllogize. ?

You know, Ricky likes to play it both ways. He named his fundraiser CUM, yup, Conservatives United Moneybomb. Are you going to tell me that the college party animal famous for going to Ohio (younger drinking age) to score kegs for Pen State Keggers was oblivious to the name?

After all, this IS the same Rick Santorum that told a female "friend" to open her throat real wide to take it in one gulp, and taught another how to tap a keg after it had been rolled down the hallowed halls of the dormitory. I guess, like Bill Clinton, he would argue that Oral sex is not sex, eh?

This is the same Santorum that said he wishes there was more of him to spread around, clearly indicating that the google smear of him was a point of pride.

This is the same Santorum caught up with Meghan Kelly in the Ensign Sex scandal... and the devil in the details is in the May 10, 2011 Ethics Report. I'm sure Boehner has a copy handy. ....

Then there is that nasty little stuff in Wayne Madsen's Report.

Then there is the whole "contraception causes infidelity" logic that tastes like "guns cause murders" logic. I wonder if shoes cause falls? Hirni's hookers really had nothing to do with it, though right? That is why it is ok for Hirini to run the campaign in SC. Abramoff's hooker finder is simply a priest of beauty? So if Santorum had no connection to Abramooff, why are Abramoff's peeps staffing up Saint Rick?

All their article did to Politjim is prove that Politjim was right! Go PolitJim!!! Go Newt!!

This blog post is severely flawed. NOBODY called you a Newt Surrogate. Nobody accused YOU of being affiliated with the Gingrich campaign. They were saying that the Gingrich campaign found your rants very useful. Now, the fact that you "clearly disavow" the true meaning of the word "slut" is all good and fine, but I read these blogs, your whole Slutss series, as a matter of fact. I read your whole explanation behind the term, but, still, why use the word even as an acronym if you aren't just trying to be insulting and completely disrespectful of a certain population of conservatives? Maybe you used it for esoteric purposes, because I sure didn't see the point, except as a way for you to bash female Santorum supporters. Maybe you just used it for shock value, which means, you sat and deliberated in front of your computer which words you could use that would necessitate the acronym SLUTSS, and yet it didn't once occur to you that you would still be disparaging people you were supposedly trying to reach with your message based on "facts"? Furthermore, I found a number of inconsistencies, things that you wrote that weren't quite "factual", as you claim, in those blogs, so don't think for one minute you can just climb on this high horse of truth, especially regarding somebody else's blog that was ABOUT Katrina Pierson, and NOT you.
And furthermore, NO ONE said who is or isn't the voice of the "Tea Party", as Tea Partiers know FULL WELL there IS no one voice for the Tea Party. This article that you are attempting to tear apart for whatever reason(mostly because it's Pro-Rick Santorum) is only maintaining that.

Tiffany - you are really embarrassing your "side" of the argument. I reference the article that clearly outlines ALL of these. Now it's true, VoiceWhoever couldn't even spell the word surrogate correctly but here is a DIRECT quote that you could have easily of found if you actually READ the article practiced syllogism.

2. Next Newt’s campaign or his segregates are tapping into the network of bloggers like PolitiJim’s Rant out of Houston to attack good Conservative Texas bloggers such as Rampart’s 360 who is pushing positive Santorum content. PolitiJim’s Rants is a blog that Katrina Pierson feels is okay to push content from.

WHAT PART OF THAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND, TIFFANY? There are multiple libelous accusations here. Furthermore she accuses the OTHER tweeter/blogger of being FOR Agenda21 - WHEN SHE WAS ONE OF THE KEY TEA PARTIERS WHO STOPPED IT!!

Just like Santorum, you throw around loose accusations without backing them up.

It is embarrassing that you call yourself a conservative, quite frankly.

Moreover - NONE OF YOU WILL ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON SANTORUM'S ACTUAL LIES, DISTORTIONS OR RECORD!!!!! You just attack the person trying to bring the truth. (Pardon me for saying but if you can't use REASON and INTELLECT to argue your points - you belong in the party of the TRUE hypocrites and liars. I hear their guy has a $1Billion for his campaign so that might be a good move for you.)

So the true colors of the Santorum supporters continue to come out. A MrsKlein54 started pretending that the article didn't say anything I QUOTED FROM IT....

Funny this is just like Rick Santorum. Claiming he was NEVER pro-choice although his FAMILY and he clearly are both on record. Saying his Title X vote was for "contraception" when he had said earlier ANY $$ for PP was funding abortion. Like.... oh - just read SLUTSS 1 and 3. These people truly have no reasoning capacity...

You know, Jim, I'm only going by what the article says. I'm not trying to attack you. I thought truth was valued in here. Facts and all that. But you'd rather just insult my intelligence and try to get me kicked off of Twitter. Classy. I know about the King Street Patriots. Alan Vera wouldn't act like that. He's never treated me with anything but respect. So I guess I'm not used to be treated in this manner by a person who says he's on the same team as me (conservative), just because we have a disagreement about FACTS.

Funny Tiffany - following your BLOGGER bio it says you run a blog called FAT BOTTOMED GIRL. (http://tiffany-golden.blogspot.com/)

Don't bother taking it down - I've saved digital copies of ALL of your posts and bio

Your "welcome" says - Yes, I am an asshole...
I am also a mother of a Little Bug, wife to my Hubby, student at University of Fictional Bird, and trying to not be fat.

Your last post on Feb 20 th is called "mistaken identity" that begins:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mistaken Identity

Remember my uptight bitch teacher who I wanted to choke? The female one? Yeah, she's a he. And not just any he. I had pictured a forty-something, overweight, frizzy haired white woman and I got....well, um I got not that.

Hmmm. So Alan says he doesn't know a "Tiffany" and you pretend to be offended by the term "SLUTSS" which is an acronym of those who can't reason....

My only question for you is...how much is the Obama campaign, ACORN or SEIU paying you??

This is fascinating Tiffany/MrsKlein54. Turns out "Slut" is something you tweet and retweet quite often.

Turns out she uses "slut" (the word she is offended by) 14X, the "F" word 5X, 12 sh*t's, 2 aholes, g-dmn and various others IN ONE MONTH!!

This my friends is a Santorum supporter. (or perhaps something even more sinister which I will blog about tomorrow).

My feelings exactly. Glenn Beck was the biggest shock! And, today, or maybe it was yesterday on his radio program he once again said he 'detested' Newt Gingrich! DETESTED! I was a fan of Beck's for years and supported him, buying his CDs, Books, Subscription, it's like a death in the family to find out how shallow and mean spirited Beck can be. He has become that bias media he rails against- No credibility left as I don't trust his judgement on anything, if this is his analysis of Newt, the most Conservative of the original Conservative movement,probably,when Beck was self medicating. And, for Beck and the crew to believe Santorum is the conservative, the next, I kid you not,George Washington of our time!And, to be blind to Ricks lies, tells me all I need to know about this gang. Sorry, I went off on a politiJim rant

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