Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pro-Life NUTSS for Santorum Part 2

This is a continuation of a rebuttal to a piece sent to me entitled:

The writer claims that Rick Santorum is… well, JUST SO DREAMY for women! Since Part 1 I’ve had some readers tell me, “Wait! I like Rick Santorum!”  This reinforces my point in Part 1.  Their affection for who they think Santorum is – is more important than:

A) Who he actually is,
B) What is record actually is, and
C) How these lies, hypocrisies and policies will be perceived by the majority of Americans and media who are not socially conservative and not blinded by who they WANT Santorum to be.

I am calling those (especially Christian conservative women) who pretend that Rick Santorum is a principled defender of all that is righteousNescients Under The Santorm Spell.
Syllogism is deductive reasoning.  BASED ON FACT, Santorum certainly qualifies to be called “conservative,” and certainly pro-life.  They chose to keep their special needs daughter and he should be commended for that.  But as we showed in Part 1, he may also be a pathological liar.  He even had this reputation in 1994.  And while some like to portray him as the epitome of pro-life virtue, I went from being a fairly likely Santorum supporter – to an outright opponent.
In this article that said Women Were Swooning Over Rick Santorum, it also said that Pro-Life Women Love Him
Funny.  Pro-Life organizations in Pennsylvania wouldn’t even help him in his 2006 Pennsylvania Senate Race.  Let’s see why.

UPDATE 4/2/12: 
Santorum Applauds Attacks on Christian Values and ...
VIDEO of Rick Santorum applauding Specter TRASHING the ProLife movement and ProLife leaders.

NUTSS Myth #2: Rick Santorum is, and has always been, the Most Staunchly, Pro-Life Advocate.
I fiercely protested Michele Bachmann when she was trying to blatantly deceive conservatives that Gingrich was AGAINST partial birth abortion.  She took an interview about how to maintain a GOP coalition and attempted to turn it into some warped lie worthy of David Axelrod.  I am NOT trying to suggest that Rick Santorum is for abortion at all.  He has a consistent pro-life record.  But the “aura” he has that he is “THE” pro-life candidate is absurd.  In truth, I am more worried about a candidate that PRETENDS he is “perfect” on a specific policy (and clearly isn’t) than one (like Ronald Reagan) who sees the “light” and then fights vigorously and flawlessly from then on.  As you will see below, not only has Rick Santorum BETRAYED the Pro-Life cause in MULTIPLE serious ways, his adamant position that he is “principled” now makes us wonder if he has serious pathological tendencies.  Because of this,  this section also beings to address NUTSS Myth #3: Rick is the most Principled of Conservatives.
  • When confronted with statements Rick Santorum made in 1990 that he was for abortion in the case of rape and incest, and in 1995 that he admitted he had been “pro-choice all of his life until he ran for congress,” the Santorum campaign inexplicably DENIED it!  EVEN AFTER DIRECT PROOF WAS OFFERED!  Even Romney admits his evolution and epiphany of how he became pro-life.  Making matters worse a top aide went back to Santorum, and RICK HIMSELF DENIED HIS OWN QUOTES!

  • Claims his vote for Planned Parenthood was only about prenatal health services and contraception when HE HIMSELF said that funding ANY service of Planned Parenthood is inexcusable.  How do you maintain you are “principled” when you KNOWINGLY fund Planned Parenthood, lie about it, and attack another ProLife questioner Alinsky style rather than just admitting you either A) screwed up or B) are not totally committed to stopping Planned Parenthood?   It IS indefensible if you are TRULY a defender of the unborn.

  • Santorum not only endorsed (see video below), but also campaigned for, the extreme pro-abortion Arlen Specter over faithful Pro-Life Pat Toomey.  Santorum’s excuse is that Specter agreed to vote for Supreme Court nominees.  There are only three problems with this.  First, Specter vehemently denies he made any deal and did so immediately when Santorum first gave the excuse in April of 2010.  With the amazing pattern of habitual prevarication to defend a political weakness as demonstrated in Part 1, it is hard to believe Santorum at all.  Secondly, it turns out that in no case was EITHER the Alito or Roberts appointments in jeopardy if Toomey had lost or Specter wasn’t there. In other words, Santorum lied again, and did so premeditatedly during the debates, using the excuse they would not have been elected otherwise.  (Reason 3 below video).
The third reason Santorum’s Specter-SCOTUS scapegoating doesn’t stand up is because the damage that Specter could (and has done) on a myriad of other lesser judicial appointments, executive appointments, bills, regulations and appropriations could be FAR MORE DAMAGING than a Supreme Court nomination.  And in fact it was.  Specter not only became a Democrat, further weakening the supposed Republican power, he cast the 60th vote for ObamaCare (contrary to NUTSS apologists) which nationalized 1/6th of the United States economy, initiated Death Panels and, yes – is facilitating the death of unborn children in Pennsylvania today.
WHAT DOES IT SAY about Santorum that in his endorsement ad above, he DOESNT say Specter will protect the unborn in SCOTUS appointments, that he undercut a SURE protector of pro-life policy in Toomey over economics (according to his video above), that he didn’t take into account the hundreds of other decisions a RINO Republican with a conservative rating of 46 would make or see that he would even stay faithful to the Republican party?  And rather than just admit a foolish political calculation against the lives of unborn children and be repentant, HE CONTINUES TO LIE THAT IT STOOD BETWEEN ALITO OR ROBERTS GETTING CONFIRMED.
But still just a one two three time betrayal of his “firm conviction of principle for pro-life,” right?  We continue:
  • Santorum CONTINUED to undercut OTHER pro-life candidates like Chuck Devore in California and instead endorsed pro-abortion counterparts.  He not only endorsed the pro-partial birth abortion Christine Todd Whitman in New Jersey, HE CAMPAIGNED FOR HER.  (Don’t forget – he also endorsed Arlen Specter FOR PRESIDENT IN 1996.) He also went OVER THE TOP and didn’t just endorse Mitt Romney (who had Planned Parenthood NAMED into law as a supervisor of RomneyCare and who had told
    pro-abortion activists he would be a stealth GOP advocate for their cause
    ), but Santorum added that Mitt Romney had, “the conviction and conservative principles” that “we” did. 

Now, just for yucks, go read Santorum’s description of Romney TODAY of whom he profusely lavished with conservative praise above.  In less than 3 years the Massachusetts Governor WITH THE EXACT SAME RECORD is described as:
(having) had that healthcare bill that provided for $50 abortions when he stood up and made the Catholic Church violate their conscience in that healthcare bill?
What team was he on when he attended Planned Parenthood fundraisers and filled out questionnaires that he was going to be a leader in the cause of (abortion)
  • Santorum voted for multiple Federal pro-abortion judges including Bill Clinton’s nomination of radical leftist Sonia Sotomayor. And lest you think this is just a random approval that LOTS of conservatives voted for – think again:

This was not a typical Circuit Court nomination. When Bill Clinton picked Sotomayor in June 1997, many conservatives believed her confirmation would put her in a fast track to the Supreme Court. The Wall Street Journal editorial called her a liberal judicial activist. Rush Limbaugh said Clinton was putting her on a rocket ship to the Supreme Court. A vote to confirm her to the Circuit Court, many Republicans believed, would make it hard to vote against her if she was nominated to the Supreme Court.
Republicans, led by Majority Leader Trent Lott, delayed Sotomayor’s confirmation vote for more than a year. When the vote finally happened, 29 Republicans — including most conservative stalwarts like Mitch McConnell, Phil Gramm, Jon Kyl and even John McCain — voted no.
Santorum joined every Democrat in the Senate …in voting yes.

That’s correct.  Not only did Santorum vote for someone everyone KNEW was a far left liberal plant by Bill Clinton to infect the Supreme Court with abortion – he also endorsed the Governor who forced the Catholic Church to dispense abortion pills over the the other Pro-Life candidate (McCain) who wouldn’t support Sotomayor.  Is this what conservative women swoon over?
Worse, Santorum UNDERMINED conservatives who wanted to filibuster her nomination to the Supreme Court under Obama!
It is STUNNINGLY SHOCKING TO ME that prolife friends on Twitter and in “real” life are completely willing to overlook the terrible inconsistency of Rick Santorum on protecting the life of the unborn.  Two people who I KNOW to be adamantly prolife (and both of whom have been allowed to post articles on PolitiJim) do not even want to hear or consider the SLIGHTEST negative fact about their Sweatered One.
It reminds me of the absurd and mindless devotion to the Obama followers we saw in 2008.  Is this the conservative Barack Obama?  A legislator with zero executive experience, no record of actually LEADING anything, hiding behind a false image that distorts his real record?  (And don’t forget as we mentioned in Part 1, both have eligibility questions.)
I can see how a few silly women who are longing for a father with fidelity to be in the spotlight might be too lazy to research the facts for a short time hoping he is who we want Rick to be.  But how about MAJOR pro-life organizations?  Steven Ertelt at LifeNEWS is outright selling his credibility (and the pro-life cause) for politics.  HAVEN’T WE LEARNED NOT TO TRUST WHAT POLITICIANS SAY AND EVALUATE THEM ON THEIR ACTUAL RECORD?
The scripture says, “he that is unfaithful in small things will be unfaithful in much.”  If Rick didn’t go to bat against MAJOR PRO-ABORTION candidates and judges time after time, why would we trust someone with a documented habit of lying to do the same when he was President?
*******UPDATE******* 3/21/2012
It turns out convicted vote buyer/lobbyist Jack Abramhoff not only LIED about any affiliation with Santorum, he got Asian sweatshops to donate to Santorum’s campaign.  Sweatshops that had documentation of FORCED ABORTIONS.  More in Part #4 on the Financial Rick.

Part 1: Santorum is a Man of Truth
NUTSS Myth #3: Rick is the most Principled of Conservatives.

NUTSS Myth #2: Rick Santorum Is, and has always been, the Most Pro-Life Advocate.

Principled NUTSS for Santorum - Part 3

Fiscally Sound NUTTS for Santorum Part 4


another great article. Santorum supporters are rabid. I am beginning to wonder if they are working for Romney.

They are truly deceived and Rush Limbaugh has helped to deceive them. Disappointed with the corruption of the RNC and the willingness to disparage Newt by "conservative" icons.

Dear PolitiJim,(your youtube video doesn't work :(

I only disagree with one sentence in this article

"He has a consistent pro-life record"

One day (4/28/11 --VIDEO in his OWN WORDS) he SAYS "I can't imagine any other organization with roots as evil/poisonous as Planned Parenthood getting federal funding of any kind.." (AFTER he VOTED TO FUND TITLE X)
And, then, on another day (2/16/2012)
BOAST of his record FUNDING this evil/poisonous organization???? (again, VIDEO, in HIS OWN WORDS)

It's funny you mention Steven Ertelt. I tweeted him.. BEGGING him to provide his readers with the truth regarding the above information along with Santorum's endorsement of Romneycare [which provides free abortion for women in MA along with funding to Planned Parenthood]back in '08 OVER prolife Mike Huckabee (who, if you listen at the 3:50 mark, Santorum says: is STILL a viable candidate... BUT...)

HOW CAN A TRULY "PROLIFE" person ENDORSE ROMNEYCARE???????????? FUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD or, CAMPAIGN for partial-birth abortion supporter: Christine Todd Whitman!!??

Needless to say, Mr. Ertelt did not tweet back.

Your article hits the nail on the head (as always)--- ESPECIALLY with your "SLUTSS" acronym!!!(;

Thank you, thank you , THANK YOU, for this!!

Btw, I'm the one who "laughed so hard I almost pee'd my pants," reading your previous "rant!" When reading your posts in the future.. I'll be sure to wear clothes that are NOT "dry clean only" (;

On Twitter I am: ProLifeMommy4Newt ---> @Crazy4Newt

I don't think it would be accurate to dismiss his very good VOTING record and Natl Right To Life rating. He HAS been consistent in my opinion but not "principled". Kind of like Boehner who votes conservatively, but caves when there is a real issue of principle like on the debt ceiling. I wouldn't call the current Speaker a liberal as that is not accurate. Although compared to about 400 other congresspeople he is , but compared to the Tea Party 22 he is not.

Most are voting for Santorum (in my opinion) because the PERCEIVED him to be a Jim DeMint type. He has done an amazing job with assitance of conservative media to pretend that very well. I think it is factually true that Gingrich is far more principled. But I don't need the SLUTSS to agree to that. I'm content if they think both are equally conservative and inconsistently principled. Bbecause if they are you make the simple observation that one has zero executive leadership experience and a huge social issue bullseye, while the older one has actually succeeded at much of what we want done and is unparallelled in defending himself in communication.

trishthethinker -- I so agree.

Rush is not honest about Newt's history nor the genius of what Newt is offering the American People.

Has Rush always been this incoherent?

If so, he is by no means the "Doctor of Democracy." More like the "Doctor of Concealment, Obfuscation and Confusion."

Not so much. Not so much. I don't listen much any more.

No matter what Rush says, he's missing the point with NEwt. So......

Hey PolitiJim -- thank you for your hard work and all the links to original sources.

This is the gorgeous new world of the internet, where we can find out for ourselves and think for ourselves.

I leave links to your posts in comments at other blogs. You are helping Americans be truly informed.

Keep up the great work. Thank you very much.

I definately don't dismiss his very good prolife voting record, but, the very facts that you so well lay out here show just how inconsistent his ACTUAL RECORD has been!! :)

I echo the sentiments of HopeChange
"thank you for your hard work and all the links to ORIGINAL sources!!"


PolitiJim -

I feel that if Santorum were principled, and felt his love for our country, he would look into his heart and face the fact that he is not as capable as NEwt, that Santorum is the student and NEwt is the Teacher.

The best thing Santorum could do for his country is to help Newt get elected.

And yet, we see Santorum reciting Newt's ideas -- as if Santorum has the slightest idea of how to DO them.

Santorum is like that guy in the Twilight Zone who gets transported into the past, and thinks he's going to be rich, because he knows of all the inventions of the 20th century. BUT HE DOESNT' KNOW HOW THEY WORK! So he's completely useless!

You want to see Santorum as president? Start at 39:00

"It's self starting motor. Well, I've just told you what it is, now go build it!"

Right. If Santorum were president, he would have to refer his appointees to to find out what to do.

BTW, thank you again for your writing. Your work is one of many that are beginning to fulfill the promise of the Internet. That we can be truly well-informed.

You're honest about your opinions. You back up your conclusions with research and links.

This is the journalism of the future. You're doing it now.

Thank you, PolitiJim.

BTW, I support Newt whole-heartedly. I have researched and watched hours and hours and hours of NEwt's speeches, to decide if I could support him.

Newt is consistent, Newt is visionary, tough, an excellent communicator, and, I believe, Newt has gone through the painful process of looking at his spiritual life honestly and truly reconciled his conscience with God. Most of us probably need to do that, and how many of us do....?

I believe we can have a vibrant economy with NEwt and it won't even be that hard. Just follow the Reagan playbook. Have AMERICAN ENERGY NOW. All the things Newt tells us in his speeches.

And we can restore the Constitution. That is the thing I want so much to do. So that those who come after us will have freedom, as we have had freedom.

So -- keep on keeping on! --- I look forward to your posts.

I would also say, I think as the next weeks and months unfold, it is incumbent upon those of us who publicly support NEwt to be strong and to guard our MORALE. Because those who want to maintain the STATUS QUO would like very much to make us give up.

This is an unprecedented experience, at least in modern times.

PolitiJim, thank you for your excellent contribution to getting the truth out.

@Women4Santorum blames the Sotomayor "hype" against Rick on ROMNEY referencing THIS article--->
ur thoughts PolitiJim??

I really appreciate all your efforts and hard work bringing out the facts on Mr. Santorum.

I was talking with my mother this morning who went to a Santorum rally over the weekend. She is in her mid-80's and is in love with him. I don't have the heart to tell her all these things. So, I will just let her believe he's the perfect candidate because I know he will not be President.

I'm with Newt all the way to the convention.

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