Saturday, March 10, 2012




NUTSS Myth #2: Rick Santorum Is, and has always been, the Most Pro-Life Advocate.

Principled NUTSS for Santorum - Part 3

Fiscally Sound NUTTS for Santorum Part 4
UPDATE: 22 year old acquaintance (and intimate friend of many Santorum campaign staffers) outlines 4 of the many  BIG LIES Santorum tells.  The worst to me is using his disabled daughter Bella, to lie about his lack of giving to the church.

I’ll admit it.  I’ve had it with the silly and superficial sagacity of Santorum supporters.  I’ve mentioned my frustration with a particular Santorum supporter here in Texas whose emailing list I am on.  For a long while this person completely lied about Newt Gingrich and falsely propped up Herman Cain.  Now she has taken her talents to Pinocchio the Pious.  Her inability to A) be honest, B) argue facts and C) base her support on actual objective truth rather than personality or (false) image, continue to plague her.  She sent a piece this week entitled:
Now if any of you who are sick of the false sanctimony and pretentious principle of Saint Rick, you may want to read this excerpt either an hour after eating or prefaced by a double shot of your favorite whiskey.
Rick Santorum is laughing all the way to the ballot box as women swoon, and it isn’t over his good looks.
Women like Rick for a lot of reasons.  He is every woman’s husband.  He is every girl’s dad, complete with the sweater vest.  He is every businesswoman’s handy banker. He is every school girl’s slightly geeky, but deliciously smart favorite math teacher.  He is the Sunday School teacher we wish we had—the one who actually fights for his faith rather than cowering for church attendance and tithes.  He has courage.
Forget for a moment that if he is EVERY woman’s husband, he is a polygamist.  This emailer and this writer are less in the mold of Sandra Dee than of Rhianna.

What do you call women, who easily give themselves to a man they haven't vetted or held to a level of responsibility before getting intimate with him?  No, I’m not pulling a Limbaugh. (And I’m not as stupid as Santorum was to call the guy who put him into contention in the GOP race an “entertainer” which Rush despises.)   But these are clearly people who are intentionally ignoring immutable FACTS about the former Senator, in lieu of who they WANT HIM TO BE. 

These people are:  Santorum Lovers Unwilling To Soberly Syllogize.
What is a Syllogism? Pick either one:
1. (n.) syllogism
an argument of a form containing a major premise and a minor premise connected with a middle term and a conclusion, as “All A is C; all B is A; therefore, all B is C.”

2. syllogism
deductive reasoning.
But because some wouldn't read beyond the headline - or accuse me of calling them sexually promiscuous, let's call them Nescients Under The Santorm Spell.  Because anyone who scratched the surface of Santorum's record would be NUTSS for believing he was truthful, principled or conservative.

As if conservative women didn’t have enough negative stereotypes to deal with from being doormats to dippy dopettes, these women are going to soon find themselves defending WORSE definitions of themselves and their inability to rationally be truthful about their pick.  Call this a conservative Obama-like supporter disease 2.0.  Remember how everyone from Ed Koch to the YouTube Obama Girl were shocked to find out they imagined him to be different than what they thought?  Even Bill Clinton “I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky” believers will seem tame.
Let’s face it. Santorum is ONLY the leading conservative candidate now because:
  • He was last in line to face tens of millions of negative ads,
  • No one really knew his record or vetted him,
  • The conservative media falsely smeared Gingrich and blindly defended Santorum,
  • He has been able to spin a narrative that he is:
    • The “True” Conservative
    • The “Principled” Conservative
    • The “Moral” or “Character” Conservative
Again, I do NOT want to imply he is as bad as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton or Barney Frank.  But.  While I was at one time willing to make Rick my pick, I know am fully convinced ON OBSERVABLE FACT he is far more dangerous to removing Barack Obama than Paul, Romney and Gingrich combined.
And if the NUTSS want any chance to regain their reputation as people who put principle and honesty before personal preference or – to maintain their OWN self-image as being intelligent enough to see and verify truth – they have a chance here.

NUTSS Myth #1: Rick Santorum is the most virtuous candidate.  Even today, a wonderful conservative pro-life woman (who is even on the Ultimate PolitiJim #FF List) was defending the lie that Gingrich was FOR TARP and Santorum was against it.  Although periodically posting on PolitiJim, she obviously never read MY posts including video proof that both are demonstrably false.  In this Santorum not only lied about Gingrich’s position, he is guilty of FALSE ACCUSATION, a qualification along side the "faithless, murderers, the lewd and adulterous and the practicers of magic arts and the idolaters” who get thrown into the Lake of Fire.  (For the spiritually uneducated, if you enter into a relationship with Jesus, He takes every sin you ever did or will do, forgets it forever, and gives you HIS Righteousness. Just as Gingrich explained he did with his past failings.)

Listen none of us is perfect.  So perhaps this is a one time transgression in a moment weakness?  No.  It’s much worse.  It is a habit.  Here are just a FEW (upcoming catalog of the sins of Santorum soon to come on PolitiJim):

Santorum not only outright lied about never voting for a steel industry bailout, he attacked Romney for NOT supporting Obama’s auto industry bailout.

Santorum blatantly lied that Newt Gingrich was “thrown out in a coup” of the House of Representatives and that his Speakership was a disaster.  Congress had a 60% approval rating (the only time it EVER had up with the exception of the months directly following 9/11) and Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority Founder Paul Weyrich WAS WORRIED NEWT WOULD LEAVE TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT since he could not envision the GOP coalition holding together without Newt.  Gingrich balanced the budget 4 times in a row, passed Welfare Reform and MOST of Contract With America.  You would think Rick would show his acknowledged “mentor” (and the guy who got him elected to Congress in the Contract With America freshman class) the courtesy of not falsifying the facts about his “friend” and Christian brother.

Rick Santorum claims he “authored” Welfare Reform.  Not only is NOT even a “co-author,”  he publically BERATED Jack Kemp for wanting to END welfare.  Then when Gingrich put him on a committee to help in drafting the legislation, the Speaker had to step in because the real conservatives saw Santorum EXPANDING welfare. 

Richard J. made up statistics on euthanasia out of thin air to make a point about the dangers of Obamacare.  (He claimed 50% of all elderly in the Netherlands are put to death when AT MOST it is 2.5%, only 0.4% that could have possibly been against their will.)  No apology – no retraction.  Make the lie to make a cheap point and move on, right Rick?

Continuing his penchant to lie about facts to make a quick point, while campaigning he accused Barbara Streisand of being the largest donor to The Lantern Project although she wasn’t even in the top 20 of donors.  (However, having been on A LOT, I’ll agree with Santorum that although they don’t see themselves as far left – they certainly dismiss basic conservative values.)

Santorum lies also about being “Tea Party before there was a Tea Party.”  This is true if you consider supporting Carly Fiorina over true conservative Chuck Devore in California, Mitch McConnell’s RINO candidate over Rand Paul, and disrespecting the Tea Party Libertarians which Ronald Reagan said was a fundamental component of the Regan Revolution.  Most importantly we find paid advertisements from Gingrich asking people to JOIN the Tea Party prior to April 15, 2009 and attending the very first Tea Party complete with live remote to Hannity.  If Santorum was so “with” the Tea Party, can any NUTSS find me even an interview in Podunk Pennsylvania or outlying Lobbytown, VA with Santorum saying “boo” about it when it was needed?  The same is true with Obamacare.

Santorum continues to lie about the “K Street” project even telling the Washington Times it doesn’t exist.  Yet a year earlier he told the Pittsburgh Post Gazette not only that it existed, but that ”it was a good thing.”  (Perhaps that Most Corrupt Congressman of the Year award in 2005 and 2006 wasn’t such a great accomplishment after all?)

Santorum said, “"I had absolutely nothing to do--never met, never talked, never coordinated, never did anything -- with Grover Norquist and the -- quote -- K Street Project." Crooks & Liars blog found this video however where Santorum says, "Thank you Grover, and I appreciate your help and support on this and many other issues..."

Rick tries to explain his loss in 2006 due to a “bad year” for Republicans.  And while we just showed that he attacked Gingrich for loosing 5 House Seats as Speaker (zero Senate by the way), Senator Santorum wants to take NO responsibility for the six (6) Senate seats and 30 House seats he also lost as the Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus and #3 GOP leader.  However, three other GOP Senators retained their Senate seats in blue states and NONE lost by historic margins as Santorum did.  He claimed it was the IRAQ War stance that caused him the loss although his opponent Casey also supported the war with a quicker withdraw.  Hardly enough to get thrown out of office with if they like everything else, right?  Justin.FM (@DryCnty) has a GREAT explanation here.  It was a combination of PERSONAL FINANCIAL SCANDALS, excessive spending in Washington DC and personal hypocrisy.  You could say it was exactly because he PRETENDED to be a Principled Conservative – and then supported a radical pro-abortionist, stole taxpayer money to pay for his children’s education who didn’t even LIVE in Pennsylvania and many other things.  He was living a lie.

Rick argues he was successful in Pennsylvania politics by unfailingly promoting conservative values.  Not sure if telling people how many big government programs like welfare for animals and telling people how you work with far left liberals makes that true.  We aren’t even touching the whole pro-big union legislation, and yet watch this video where Santorum glowingly tells of big government programs with Liebermann to fund college tuition, Barbara Boxer to further burden developers with more regulation, and Hillary Clinton to use government to regulate children’s books:

Liar, liar, pants on fire?  The only thing Santorum proved was that he could lie about his conservative beliefs to the people of Pennsylvania to get elected.  Is that what NUTSS are banking on against Barack Obama?
Claiming there is no better friend to Israel doesn’t exactly wash when he REFUSED to close a loophole (ever over the urging of the Bush Administration) which allowed US companies to continue to do business to build up Iran – a country that has declared war on us.

Rick Santorum has made statements during the Fluke Slut and Contraception period of this election that he “never” has said he was against contraception.  Au Contraire Mon Fibbing Frere

Rick Santorum’s deceptive use of selective voting records (both his and his opponents) knows no bounds.  In fact, he may be BETTER than Barack at this.  Right before the South Carolina primary, Santorum went on CNN and lied that Jim DeMint supported earmarks.  Not only had DeMint led the effort to get the GOP to ELIMINATE earmarks, Santorum had the nerve to show up in South Carolina only two weeks before DeMint’s fragile reelection in 2010 to TRASH Jim DeMint’s attempts to stop them! 

Rick Santorum claimed that Ron Paul had a National Right to Life rating of only 50% in a pre-South Carolina debate.  Clearly a quick look at his multiple ZERO ratings by NARAL and 70% to 90% Right To Life ratings show it simply to be a lie.  Even if he was talking about the single year Paul dipped to 56%, it would have been deceitful (and inaccurate) against his lifetime and recent record.  Even that particular score was due to a single vote that made sense to Paul’s libertarian sensibilities and nothing to do with voting FOR abortion.  (For the record because of this single interview where Ron Paul says he would PERSONALLY PERFORM AN ABORTION in the case of rape – I have misgivings about him.  But Santorum is still completely disregarding the truth about Paul’s record.)

I am dead serious that this is not even HALF of the documented examples of outright lies Santorum has made.  We RIGHTLY castigate Romney for lying that gay marriage was forced upon him in Massachusetts and that he CLEARLY wanted RomneyCare for the rest of the US.  At least Gingrich acknowledges his past mistakes openly or defends them on merit.  Pelosi Couch? “Stupidest think I ever did.”  Kerry Global Warming Debate? “When I finally saw the data to support it I testified directly after Al Gore to stop Cap and Trade.”
Listen, even Ronald Reagan EXPANDED abortion in California and enacted amnesty.  But he didn’t try to tap dance around his mistakes and admitted them as Gingrich does.

This is critical to the race for two reasons.  First, as I’ve said time and time again, people largely remain who they were before.  George Bush was a pro-amnesty, big government Republican in Texas and, despite assurances while campaigning, he didn’t change nor did his father simply by saying, “Read My Lips.”  I’d trust that he would change IF there was a TRUE acknowledgement of his indiscretion and an openness about the change as Ronald Regan had on abortion.

Secondly, the majority of American voters (including most Republicans) HAVE NO IDEA who Santorum is.  All it takes is Obama embarrassing Santorum on his euthanasia lie and the American people will simply be convinced that Santorum can’t be trusted on ANYTHING since he was proven foolish and a liar on this one thing.  And Obama will reinforce that perception with $1 Billion in advertising as will the mainstream media.  Don’t forget – 70% thought Ollie North was telling the truth when they heard him at the Iran Contra hearings themselves in the week following his testimony.  By the END OF THE MONTH, it had nearly reversed because of NBABCBS telling them they didn’t see what they thought they did.  Same thing with Bork, Thomas and Palin.   Santorum has literally dozens of video and audio clips of outright lies the left will use to paint him as the Christian hypocrite the public is already all to ready to believe.

You Santorum Lovers go ahead keep pretending all you want that this guy is a “great” man of integrity.  Your self-deception (and willingness to deceive others) is between you and God.  For me, I am willing to overlook EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE if he would just be honest about them.  His unwillingness tells me something completely different.
Pseudologue thy name is Santorum.  But according to the NUTSS, it’s what (especially religious conservative) women want.

NUTSS Myth #2: Rick Santorum Is, and has always been, the Most Pro-Life Advocate.

Principled NUTSS for Santorum - Part 3

Fiscally Sound NUTTS for Santorum Part 4


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