Thursday, April 5, 2012

The First PolitiJim Broadcast – Vote Santorum


I’ve had it on my mind to bring PolitiJim into audio and video recently, and this is my first attempt.

Frankly, I hate it – but you tell me what you think.  Don’t worry.  I’m a big bird…(yeah ha ha), but seriously – you won’t hurt my feelings. 

Discussion point:

How much Santorum and Romney suck, but why we need to urge people to vote Santorum in Pennyslvania.

The news is that Santorum has dropped behind again in the polls there and (finally) someone had the gonads in Pennsylvania to say what PolitiJim has been documenting for 2 months.  Santorum is a big fat honking lying sweater vest.  This from a guy who has known Santorum his entire political career and is intimate with nearly everyone who has been connected to Rick through the years.

No word from Malkin, Limbaugh, Ingraham, Levin, Ertelt at LifeNews or the NUTSS in Texas (that means you Donna Garner and Alice Lanihan) who have tried to prop up the Pennsylvania Prevaricator. 

And yes.  If you are still in PA, vote for him.

Let me know how you like the show.  All constructive criticism is appreciated.  Even, “oh my God, never do that again.”

Special thanks to @MrLTavern at Mr L’s Tavern who gave me the idea for the format (albeit a very poor bad reflection from his.)  If you want to see how it’s REALLY done.  Subscribe to him here.

The First PolitiJim Radio Show


I am hearing Santorum may drop out if he thinks he'll lose PA again...that would clear a path for Gingrich?

Besides being very intelligent/Very nice speaking voice. And, graphics, neat! Too bad Jim didn't have the GOP RNC ear. I'm ready to nominate PolitiJim for the job. Hope to hear much more. I did enjoy

It was basically boring, PolitiJim, for two reasons. One, it was, for the most part, a rehash of many of the things you've already expressed on this blog; therefore, what chance did it have of being new and exciting? Two, your laid back, casual, reserved tone of voice added to the boredom flavor. Other than that, it was stupendous! lol . . . I would elaborate on the good stuff, but that would be boring. Now, get some rest and then I'm sure you'll come up with something fresh to broadcast that we can sink our teeth into.

I would say your voice needed more energy, but that would have made 21 minutes seem like 3 hours. It's too easy to lose people when a verbal rant trends toward hysterics, Levin loses me when he becomes overly excited.

Overall, I enjoyed the Rant. You hit and elaborated on key points re Romney's time in office that may have otherwise been lost in translation.

Your little bird brain did good!

I would say your voice needed more energy, but that would have made 21 minutes seem like 3 hours. It's too easy to lose people when a verbal rant trends toward hysterics, Levin loses me when he becomes overly excited.

Overall, I enjoyed the Rant. You hit and elaborated on key points re Romney's time in office that may have otherwise been lost in translation.

Your little bird brain did good!

I would say your voice needed more energy, but that would have made 21 minutes seem like 3 hours. It's too easy to lose people when a verbal rant trends toward hysterics, Levin loses me when he becomes overly excited.

Overall, I enjoyed the Rant. You hit and elaborated on key points re Romney's time in office that may have otherwise been lost in translation.

Your little bird brain did good!

I agree with you Jim; Newt is my candidate, and I'll never stop fighting for him, but the smartest thing for any Newt supporter to do in Pennsylvania is to vote for Rick. We need to play this strategically, and strategically the way to give Newt any chance in Tampa is to get as many delegates away from Mitt as possible. Thanks for all you do.

For Newt to have a chance in Tampa he still has to win at least five contests to get on the first round ballot. If Newt isn't in the first round, it is very likely that Romney will take the nomination then and there. To date, Newt has only won two contests.

What is needed is for Santorum to loose PA in a close race and then put his support behind Newt and exit the race. With Santorum out, Newt can win Texas, Arkansas, and Kentucky. He may also be able to win North Carolina and West Virginia which would give him the momentum needed to finish strong.

I am in Pennsylvania, and to be honest..... I just don't know if I can cast a vote for someone who I do not believe in. I only have ONE vote and I want it to go to Newt.

I'm partial to audio this time of year,I put on the baby monitor by the computer, and the receiver in my dungaree jacket and I listen to the computer while I'm working out of doors. Not much time for reading this time of year. As to the complaint of repeating the information, many have not been introduced to politijim, so this summary is a great way of getting to know politijim views. PolitiJim reminds me of @Sultankish Listen to Daniel Greenfield interview on his previous Friday round up. The same laid back delivery, which is amazing, as the fire in the pen belies his demeanor. Kudos politijim, looking forward to many more. Bless YOU,carry on~ (side bar) some blogs have a slide for human recognition, hope this happens on this blog site ?

Terri, I hear you. We're in the hands of Divine Providence on this one, IMO. If I were in the situation you describe, I think I would have to vote my heart and true belief, and that means NEWT.

PolitJim, I haven't had a chance to listen to the audio yet, although I think it's great for you to branch out in any creative way you like. I want to reiterate that your writing is making a big difference.

You have identified what we need in America in order to recover our freedom and prosperity as a nation, and therefore you choose NEWT. Yes!! Me, too!!

You do research and you include links, so your analysis is backed up by original source material.

This is what journalists would be doing if they were trying to serve the public good. So you're setting a new standard for truth. I see links to your articles all over the internet. That's because your writing is so good. Congratulations.

Thanks for all you do.

I LOVED hearing the voice behind the "tweets"

I'm a bit confused. Didn't you say in an earlier piece that you thought Mitt had the best chance of defeating Obama OVER SantoruM? If that's the case, why wouldn't you tell PA's to cast their vote for NEWT instead of Santorum or Romney? He definatlely could use the delegates....
Maybe I just missed something... I am a bit overtired...
Hope you are enjoying some MUCH needed rest this Easter weekend!!
God Bless YOU!! :)

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