Did Ted Cruz Really Win Every County in Maine?

The Boston Globe and 2 local papers didn't give him a chance. He didn't win a single county in Massachussetts 4 days earlier. Did Cruz really win EVERY county in Maine?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

DOJ on Record Wanting to F**k the Fast Furious Whistleblowers

The Ulsterman Report alerts us of a letter from Senator Grassley and Congressman Issa to the DOJ that begins: Following yesterday's vote to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress, we are now concerned that the Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) may be even more motivated to engage in acts of retaliation against the whistleblowers who brought this matter to light. We just learned that ATF senior management placed two of the main...

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Solutions to a Judiciary Out of Control

  It is one thing to overturn ObamaCare should we be fortunate enough to A) Have an election (yeah, you heard me), B) Get a GOP President, C) Get a CONSERVATIVE House that will hold Boehner accountable as Speaker to not cave as he did on the budget ceiling debate, and D) get at least 51 votes in the Senate. But how do we rectify the insane “precedent” set out by Roberts that the judiciary has the right to reclassify – even create – a “tax” that was never written in the original law?  ...

It’s One Battle: STEP UP!

From Alan Vera of True the Vote: I majored in political science and minored in military science. I’ve served this country as an Army Airborne Ranger in special operations. In modern history there has never been a war settled by a single battle. In modern history there has never been a military force that won each and every single battle. In our own Revolutionary War the Patriot Heroes suffered nothing but defeat for the first year. Yet they won our freedom through perseverance and determination....

Thursday, June 28, 2012

You Too Can Help Deflate the Liberal ObamaTax Delusions

I had fun last night and went out to the liberal blogs.  YOU CAN TOO!  Just copy all or parts of the response I left below to every liberal blog you find.  I’ve left the url sources (mostly CBO estimates) in long form so it will paste when you visit them.  (H/T Senator Jim DeMint for the references and links.) Here is a sample of how “horrible” those mean, nasty Republicans are (especially Romney) to stop the caring compassionate One who cares for all. Their whine about...

America is Now Even Closer to Fiscal Doom

Today is just an awful day. If Bush-appointed Justice Roberts had only voted with the rest of the conservatives, we would have been rid of all of Obamacare, not just the mandate, as their dissenting opinion implies. Once again, decisions that George W. Bush are turning out to be disastrous for those of us who believe in individual liberty and limited government.  Let's just do a quick run down shall we? Appointed Ben Bernanke to be Fed Chair.  How he could appoint the guy who actually...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Are YOUR Tweets or Posts maliciously harmful to individuals in the government?

Douglas Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., runs a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients.  THIS IS NOT A WEIRD GUY IN HIS BASEMENT.  He also has been running explosive reports about the Obama administration from within the Department of Homeland Security.  A group affiliated with the Obama Campaign, forced his service provider (GoDaddy) to delete it.  JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU GOT THAT: An Obama campaign group intentionally...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fiscally Sound NUTTS for Santorum Part 4

  With the upcoming GOP convention and talk of Vice Presidential candidates I thought it prudent to post this last part of our Rick Santorum series that I withheld following the “suspension” of his campaign.  He shouldn’t even be considered without showing proof of Aldo’s citizenship at the time of his birth which he – unlike every other GOP candidate – has steadfastly refused to show.  Oddly, many Santorum supporters still believe his false hype despite warnings from Christian...

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