Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ann, You Ignorant Slut


You wouldn’t think PolitiJim would wander back into “slut” territory after the GOP Primary SLUTSS incident, but I’m a glutton for offending it seems.  (Just keepin’ it real yo’.)  As every Saturday Night Live enthusiast will recognize, the aforementioned title is a play on the Dan Akyroyd and Jane  Curtin’s “Point/Counter Point” skit.  After a very erudite discussion on some political views, Akyroyd’s character would inevitably respond with, “Jane, you ignorant slut,” allowing a cathartic movement for all conservatives who at that time didn’t have a Rush Limbaugh, much less a Chris Christie.  (Coulter has responded exactly as this character by calling all Tea Partiers “pompous asses” in response to her dismantling of conservative values.)

In our skit today, Ann Coulter plays Jane, and common sense conservatives can relate to the Akyroyd role, as the fruits of her, Drudge, Nikki Haley and other establishment Republicans are ripening in the Romney campaign.  Given the greatest possible Presidential campaign slogan in modern times against his opponent in simply repeating Supreme Court Chief Justice’s assertion of ObamaCare is a tax, Romney is attempting to steal defeat out of the judicial activist laws of victory.  As everyone knows by now, Romney and his surrogates are saying that ObamaTaxCare is NOT a tax.  This would be fine if he was using it as an argument to impeach Justice Roberts.  From Conn Carroll at Washington Examiner:

Yesterday on MSNBC, Chuck Todd pressed Mitt Romney senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom to explain why Obamacare’s individual mandate is a tax but Romneycare’s individual mandate is a penalty. Fehrnstrom declined. Instead he claimed that both the Obamacare mandate and the Romneycare mandate were penalties. This directly contradicts the message of every Republican that will be running down ballot from Rommney this fall. This is not a minor problem. (emphasis mine)

“ObamaTaxCare is the biggest tax increase in the history of the United States,” ain’t so hard to say.  Limbaugh nailed it just hours after that ruling.  Conservatives like PolitiJim who were extremely begrudgingly supportive of the former Human Events Top 10 RINO of 2006 found something to get latch on to as a rallying cry.  Taxed. Enough. Already.

“But PoltiiJim, isn’t this counterproductive to replacing Obama?” 

Reader, you ignorant….  ok.  I’ve got to break myself of that.  Not at all.  We are arguing Romney isn’t CONSERVATIVE ENOUGH.  That actually helps Romney among Independents

Then of course, the same conservative “elite” began to tells us how brilliant the Roberts ruling was (Hugh Hewitt, George Will, Charles Krauthammer you know who you are) and our ire went from a whistling tea pot to blogs of boiling tea bursting rhythmically out of the spout.  As Thomas Sowell said yesterday, the village genius has always done more damage than the village idiot.  THESE are the people who keep rationalizing every GOP mess and cautioning “calm” giving cover to the politicians that consider a strong backbones something akin to erectile dysfunction.  (So that’s why Bob Dole was the spokesman!)

But let me say on behalf of every TRUE conservative, “We told you so.”  Romney has the weakest possible position against the strongest possible campaign issue since every finger pointed at ObamaTaxCare has four pointing back at RomneyCare.  Despite his misogynistic actions against Sarah Palin and Jamie Radtke, Erick Erickson got this one right.

And the argument that “it technically is not a tax” is irrelevant.  The normally sane The Right Scoop let the elitists brainwash him into thinking Romney played it right, after his initial reaction was precisely what the impact would be for the 99% who don’t get that deep into the political minutia.  The GOP has got to get better at understanding how to launch their great foundational logic in a post-MTV media age where initial emotional responses rule.

And why is Romney suddenly getting all uppity regarding the technical truth?  He didn’t let that stand in the way of his false attacks on Gingrich, his outright lying to Rick Perry about what he wrote in his book or – well – his entire political history.  He could even argue the whole “state’s experience” issue and still tag ObamaTaxCare for what it is.  He could say, “President Obama, you even used some of the RomneyCare advisors and got it wrong. Sixty percent of Massachusetts voters like our plan while sixty percent of Americans hate yours.”

CoulterRomneyEyesShut But thank you Ann Coulter.  Thank you Matt Drudge.  Thank you George Will.  Thank you Glenn Beck.  You have shown us that while you may find a good nut of truth every now and then, you’re logic is permanently based in squirrely pseudo-conservatism.  And if Romney is this weak on the mere arguments against ObamaTaxCare and the ruling, how do you think he will fare in convincing a nation to repeal it?  Or in arguing for abolition of ANY department?  Or implementing a needed tax cut to revive the economy?

I’ll vote for Romney if he’s the nominee.  And directly after repealing ObamaCare, I will work for his replacement in 2016.  But although slim, there is still a chance we can do better in Tampa.

The REAL delegate count. (h/t Mark Zampano)

Paging Speaker Gingrich.  Your Tea Party is ready.


Ann Coulter hasn't a conservative bone in her strangely ambi-sexual body.

Thank you, Politijim - "pseudo-conservative" is the perfect word.

Ignorance is as Ignorance comments, Mike. Perhaps you might reread the article and watch the video that explains this could happen BY A BROKERED CONVENTION. No one is suggesting he can win enough "popular votes" (I'm assuming you mean delegates by virtue of primary voting although you aren't quite clear on that point).

Thanks for playing, but sorry - you lose on points.

How do you get Newt out of all this? Granted, it has been Newt's plan all along to back-door the vote, but how do you figure he will get the popular votes at this point?

And if all you can do is curse at folks with ideas, don't show your ignorance.

Check out my two free PDF books on Ann Coulter: The Beauty of Conservatism and The Gospel According to Ann Coulter.



Right you are. Corrected. Thanks. (I was thinking of Weekend Update which of course was CREATED by Chevy, but the very first episode was in Point Counterpoint - I believe before WE was premiered...

Dan Aykroyd, not Chevy Chase

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