Completely ignoring her original CPAC speech claiming that the GOP would loose if Mitt Romney was their nominee, she and others proceeded to make the exact opposite case that ONLY Mitt Romney had a chance in hell of winning in November. It seems hell is closed for expansion renovations.
A new Economist/YouGov poll shows that twice as many Americans believe that Mitt Romney eliminated many jobs as opposed to creating many. By a double digit margin, more believed he is more likely to have destroyed any jobs rather than create them. Wasn’t this supposed to be his big selling point?
Remember, all the reasons the RINO’s, and betraying turncoats like Coulter, gave us to toss aside the most powerful conservative Speaker in our time who could legitimately claim the creation of 12 million jobs while balancing the budget four consecutive times, and beginning entitlement reform? Let’s take a quick mid-term grade report:
Reason to Nominate Mitt | Grade |
He can match Obama in Money | C |
He has the best campaign media team | C- |
He can attract Independents | B |
He is considered a job creator | D- |
As mentioned yesterday, since Mitt can’t spend is general election dough and can only use his primary money he is getting hammered in total ad spending. The same thing he did to Gingrich in Iowa and Florida is being done to him.
You would think it wouldn’t matter. Conn Carroll writes this morning:
Unemployment has stagnated at 8.2 percent. Consumer spending is down. Manufacturing fell for the first time in three years. The U.S. economy is sinking.
Also as @KLSouth reports, consumer confidence in the U.S. has continued to deteriorate in the month of June as consumers are more pessimistic about the short-term outlook of the economy and in early July, consumer sentiment cooled to its lowest level in seven (7) months.
How is this possible? Shouldn’t Romney be leading by 20 points? Gingrich was so effective with his $2.50 gas strategy IN THIRD PLACE that White House was answering him daily, and even faked approval of the Keystone pipeline to try and avert the damage.
There are two important things to consider here. First, Mitt Romney and his campaign have no clue how to sell a big idea or land a big punch. The revolutionary anti-colonialist communist collectivist in Chief delivered up an 82 mph fastball right over the center of the plate by telling business owners that, “If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
The Romney campaign did a lot right. They responded within minutes with outrage. They got business owners together at a campaign stop to point out that Obama hasn’t attended a jobs council meeting in six months, but has had plenty of time for 200 fundraisers.
However, it took five days for ABC, CBS and NBC to even mention it – let alone the associated outrage.
Political Truth #666: Elections are still won by media, and money to buy that media.
If there were 100 voters, and 20 listened to Rush Limbaugh every day, they would know many of the problems with Obama (but not that a law enforcement investigation has proven that he has forged government documents). A different 20 might be the deciding factor in an election and nearly ALL of their information might come from a few minutes of network news, friends they overhear for a couple of minutes or Jon Stewart. Money matters because it FORCES a message to people who wouldn’t otherwise hear it.
The second thing to consider is that only about 8 states really matter. Romney going up by (shockingly only) 2 points over Obama nationally is irrelevant. In swing states, Obama is still up by 2, likely by a constant barrage of TV ad brainwashing. And that doesn’t count the extra 4 or more percentage points he will get through outright voter fraud. Eric Holder didn’t prosecute the New Black Panther thugs in Philadelphia, and he attacks states who want to clean dead voters off the rolls because they know they need it. It’s why dead dogs are receiving voter registrations.
Political Truth #667: Money doesn’t matter if your credibility is seriously in question, or is demolished.
Massive conservative media attention on Sheriff Joe’s nine month law enforcement investigation including the testimony from the 95 year old Hawaiian registrar who allegedly signed a different version of Obama’s long form birth certificate would finally seep out. It took two years for the New York Times to keep hammering on an insignificant political break in, and simultaneous public media prosecution WOULD eventually be covered. Obama would loose all remaining credibility with swing voters and this election would be over.
The second option is to help Lawyers for Ron Paul on their lawsuit against the GOP to make sure the GOP convention nomination goes to a second ballot where we can choose a candidate who isn’t limp wristed in drawing distinctions between he and Obama that not only gets the coverage of the mainstream media, but forces the White House to directly engage.